100ml liquid limit temporarily reintroduced at Jersey Airport

Published: 08 June 2024

Restrictions on carrying liquids over 100ml in hand luggage are being temporarily reintroduced at some regional airports in the UK, including Jersey Airport.

The change will apply from 00:01 BST on Sunday 9 June.

The move follows a directive from the UK Department for Transport who say it will “enable further improvements to be made to the new checkpoint systems” and is not in response to a specific threat.

All of the airports affected have Next Generation Security Checkpoints in full operation and had scrapped the 100ml liquid rules after introducing the high-tech CT scanners.

Further detail
Liquids, aerosols, gels, or pastes may be carried through Security where the maximum volume of any individual container being carried is no greater than 100ml and the content is not frozen.

All liquids, aerosols, gels and pastes carried in hand luggage will have to be removed and placed in the security trays for screening. There is no need to place them in a separate tray or in a plastic bag.

Where liquids, gels or pastes in containers greater than 100ml are required for medical purposes or a special dietary requirement for medical purposes, these will be subjected to additional screening methods.

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