Family facilities

Family area

We have a dedicated family area in the Departures Hall (after security), where families can relax, draw, and read a selection of books before their flights.

The area has been created with advice and support from the charity Brighter Futures, who will be part of a group advising on the development of the main departure lounge later this year.

Baby changing facilities

Baby changing facilities are next to the coffee shop in the check in area and after the central security search area. There are also baby changing facilities in our arrivals’ terminal.

Baby products for sale

WHSmith stocks a small selection of baby and children products. It is located in the departures lounge after security.

Designated fast track lane in security for families

Our security agents at the boarding card desk will direct you.

Highchairs and child meals

These are available from our catering outlets in the departures terminal.

Taking baby milk, food or formula powder through security

You can carry enough baby milk or baby food for the duration of your flight in your hand luggage. It will be subject to additional screening. You must put the rest into your checked-in baggage.

You can take unlimited amounts of baby formula in powder form through security.

Expressed breast milk can be taken in unlimited quantities. It must be in individual containers no larger than two litres per container. The milk cannot be frozen, but cooling gel packs or ice packs can be used to keep it cool.

You can carry expressed breast milk, even if your child isn’t flying with you.

You can carry as much baby food in liquid, gel or paste form as is required for your trip. This amount can be over the usual 100ml limit.

Taking pushchairs through security

You can take your pushchair as far as your departure gate, where gate staff will collect it from you and store it in the hold on your behalf. If you do not require your pushchair at the airport, please check it in at the check-in desks and it will be taken to our oversized baggage belt and loaded into the aircraft hold.

TV lounge

For families looking for a quieter time, there is a TV lounge in the departures terminal.

Warming baby bottles

You can warm baby bottles in any of the food outlets after the central security search area.

Hints for travelling with young children

  • Distribute essential items between bags in case the one with all the important baby items goes missing
  • Get to the airport early so you have plenty of time to check in and go through security
  • Most airlines will load children first, but it’s not always best to be first on board. If you have a preference, please tell the gate staff accordingly
  • Pack a bag with a few of your child’s favourite toys, colouring books and crayons. You will need to remove any electronic devices from the bag so that they can be screened
  • Sterilised water in a metallic container will be tested using liquid explosive test kits. A sterile swab will be used to take a sample with permission and under your observation
  • The Advance Walk Through Metal Detector may select your child at random. We will then need to carry out an Explosive Trace Detector. We will ask your permission and for you to observe the search process

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