Former hangar to be dismantled

Published: 04 April 2024

Ports of Jersey has now received planning permission to dismantle a former airport hangar.

The building was constructed in 1958 and has not housed aircraft for 25 years. It is currently used to store ground equipment.

Regular inspections of the structure since 1999 indicate that although it does not pose an immediate risk, its external cladding becomes a safety concern in high winds. Dismantling is considered to be the best option.

Airport Operations Director, Ashley Maggs, said: “This building served the island well for many years, but it is no longer possible to remedy its defects. We are continuing to evaluate how we can best incorporate the site into Jersey Airport’s master planning process.”

A temporary parking compound will be provided to allow contractors to safely dismantle the building.

A decision on the future use of the site will be made once the Airport’s future operational requirements are finalised.

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