Ports of Jersey investing in local talent

Published: 27 March 2024

Ports of Jersey is preparing to invest £160,000 in two aviation enthusiasts who are interested in a career in air traffic control (ATC). There are currently two vacancies for ATC apprentices, who, if successful, would take on a three-year training period, in both the UK and Jersey, fully funded by Ports of Jersey.

Working for ATC can be intense and fast-paced, and the training involves attending a UK college for up to ten weeks at a time. These courses follow a period of internal training and support, with the eventual aim of controlling a large area of airspace, up to 20,000 feet, including Guernsey, Alderney and the English Channel.

The successful candidates will work in the airport control tower, where they will handle different types of traffic from commercial, military and private aircraft, all passing through Jersey’s airspace.

ATC’s Warch Manager, Alan Moss, said: “These two roles represent a big investment, not just financially, but in terms of the personnel required to train and supervise the new recruits. As well as the three UK training courses, many members of the ATC team are required to facilitate the on-island learning – from the Training Manager to the assessors, examiners and supervisors.

“We anticipate it will take a minimum of three years from starting in the position to full validation, it is the equivalent of completing a University Degree.”

More details about the roles are online

Training details

The 10-week Basic Training Course is designed to meet UK CAA requirements and includes a blend of theory and practical skills for aspiring Air Traffic Controllers. It is the essential first step for UK ratings, including Aerodrome and Radar, and it sets the standard for a successful ATC career in the UK.

This is followed by the 9-week Aerodrome Control Course, which offers Aerodrome Control Visual and Instrument ratings, with simulator training on managing large international airport traffic and vehicular control.

The trainees then return to Jersey (in March 2025) for local training. They will be required to sit a written exam and be examined in a synthetic traffic environment (the SIM) by local Assessors and Training Manager. On successful completion of this they will be ready to talk to real planes for the first time. The trainees will have 180 hours of ‘On the Job Training’ whereby an experienced Air Traffic Control Officer will instruct them at Jersey Airport.

It is anticipated this training will be completed by the end of Summer 2025. The students will then be observed and questioned by an Assessor and representative from the UK CAA on all aspects of Aerodrome ATC.

The third and final 10-week course is Approach Surveillance (APS) during which trainees will master approach surveillance techniques in a UK Approach Control Surveillance course, designed for UK BTC graduates or ATCOs. This course enhances skills in vectoring, sequencing, radar approaches, and more, leading to an APS rating with SRA endorsement.

Ports of Jersey funds all courses, accommodation, subsistence allowance and travel to and from Jersey.

The minimum legal age to hold an Air Traffic Controllers’ Licence is 21 years old, so candidates will need to be at least 21 by the 31st August 2025.

  • Basic Course October 2024
  • Aerodrome Course January 2025
  • Local Training March 2025
  • Aerodrome Validation August/September 2025
  • Consolidation
  • Approach Course January 2026
  • Local Training March 2026
  • Approach Validation August/September 2026
  • Consolidation
  • Local Training January 2027
  • Zone Validation August/September 2027
  • Consolidation

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